Monday, February 24, 2020

Painting old Epic marines for Adeptus Titanticus and Rules!

Got some hobby time today... and it resulted in this

Then I decided to draft up some rules and quickly came up with this. I hope to try them out soon.

Rules for Space Marines for AT

Largely, infantry and Space Marines follow the rules for knights and adhere to the rules for knights. Space Marines are grouped into units of the same type of model. They can get the same orders, and move and act in the same way. Essentially if you read the rules for knights, and replace the word banner with the word unit, and the word knight with the word model or base of infantry, then the knight rules work well for units of space marines. 

General Rule: 

Insignificant: Infantry, Rhinos, and Land Raiders do not stop the movement of any titan Scale 5 or larger. Titans may walk over these models. If the end their movement on top of one of these models simply move the insignificant model out from under the titans base by the shortest route possible. If there is debate about where the model should end up the owning player makes the decision.  

Space Marine Infantry
A unit of Space Marine infantry consists of 2-4 bases, which cost 10 points each.
Scale: 1  10 points per base
Ballistic Skill 3+  Weapon Skill 3+
Speed 6”  Command 4+
Power Armor
Infantry Bases
Attack Strength

Direct hit 4-6, Devastating Hit 7-9, Critical Hit 10+  Structure Points 2:  0  0
Agile: Infantry Bases may move through difficult terrain with no penalty.
Cover Seeking: While in difficult terrain subtract two from all armor rolls against them.
Transportable: If they start their turn within 3” of a unit with transport, they my board the unit. Remove the infantry from the table and note that they are within the transport. They may disembark entirely within 3” of a transport at the start of their activation.

Range Short 0-3” Acc -
               Long 3”-6” Acc -1
Dice 1 Strength 1
Traits: Rapid  
Close combat weapons
Short 1”
Long –
Str 1  Dice 2
Special rule for Close combat weapons-If attacking a titan in melee infantry may only ever target the legs. 

If the squad numbers 2 or less bases they can be given the meltagun trait for 15 pts per base. (See Questoris Support Banner sheet). In total, only half the bases you have in your force may have meltaguns.

A unit of Rhinos consists of 1 to 2 Rhinos. You must assign each squad of rhinos to a space marine infantry unit that it has the ability to carry. Those marines may start the game in those Rhinos.
Scale: 2 15 points per rhino
Ballistic Skill 3+  Weapon Skill 5+
Speed 12”  Command 4+
Rhino Armor
Attack Strength

Direct hit  6-8 Devastating Hit 9-11, Critical Hit 12+  Structure Points 2:  0  0
Agile: Rhinos may move through difficult terrain with no penalty, but cannot enter building or go on top off something taller than itself. I.e. no Rhinos on buildings. 
Transports: Each Rhino may transport 2 bases of space marine infantry.
Twin Bolters
Range Short 0-3” Acc +1
               Long 3”-6” Acc –
Dice 1 Strength 1
Traits: Rapid  

Land Raiders
A unit of Land Raiders consists of 1 to 2 Land Raiders. You may  assign each squad of Land Raiders to a space marine infantry that it has the ability to carry. The marines may start the game in the Land Raiders.
Scale: 2 50 points per Land Raider
Ballistic Skill 3+  Weapon Skill 5+
Speed 10”  Command 4+
Land Raider Armor
Land Raiders
Attack Strength

Direct hit  10-13 Devastating Hit 14-16, Critical Hit 1+  Structure Points 3:  0  0  0
Agile: Land Raiders may move through difficult terrain with no penalty, but cannot enter building or go on top off something taller than itself. I.e. no Land Raiders on buildings. 
Transports: Each Land Raider may transport 2 bases of space marine infantry.
Twin Heavy Bolters
Range Short 0-6” Acc -
               Long 6”-10” Acc -1
Dice 1 Strength 2
Traits: Rapid  
2 Twin Laser Cannons
Range Short 0-6” Acc -
Long 6”-12” Acc - 
Dice 4 Strength 6

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