A Slight delay but plenty of games played.
Typically, I am trying to make a lengthy blog post at least
once a week on Sunday. This week, however, I had a slight delay because…. I was
playing games. I hope you can forgive me, but to me at least, that seems like a
pretty good excuse.
On Thursday we wrapped up the Ghosts of Saltmarsh campaign
that I have been playing in. The DM saw it fit to add a final last fight
against one of the pirate princes and it was pretty comical. The pirate prince
had undead whales. We managed to polymorph one, but it in a bag of holding,
then air drop it onto the pirate prince’s ship. I don’t think he expected that.
After that the aliens invaded… If you have played this adventure or the classic
adventures upon which it is based, you may not recognize any of this. That’s
because its not the in book, our DM added quite a bit to do with the pirate
princes and aliens. A lot of us are very busy for the next few weeks and we
have not decided whether to switch to new characters or continue with our ninth
level characters. Either way I am sure we will pick these characters up again.
This week I ran D&D on Friday and it is likely the last
game we will get to play for a while. I am teaching a lot and the stress of
writing and running a campaign is just a little too much over midterms. I think
its important for a DM to recognize when the time sink is becoming a bit too
much and be honest with their players. So, for a while I am going to get ahead
on writing adventures and play some board games. A few players have already mentioned
they will DM as well.
On Sunday I played two games of Adeptus Titanticus. The
first was a very small game against a new player. I wanted to try out the rules
for Space Marines that I had written. I took all marines including: 2 bases of
marines with bolters, 2 bases of marines with melta guns, 2 rhinos, and 2 land
raiders. I ave my opponent a single Warhound with a Plasma Blast Gun and a
Vulcan Heavy Bolter. We played the retrieval mission. Long story short the warhound
demolished the marines, killing one land raider turn 1, then turning to destroy
the rhinos and marines as they closed on the objective. Eventually after a
round or two of a showdown the Warhound put the final structure on point on the
Land Raider. Overall, I was happy that the Warhound dismantled the marine as I
would not want them to be able to threaten titans directly. They did make a run
at the objective (which is what I designed them to do). Here are some pictures
from that game:
After that short game my regular opponent and I played a
2000 point game. When we play we use a variation of the matched play rules. One
of us designs the mission and sets up terrain while they other player chooses
what side of the mission to play. In this case I designed a balanced mission in
which we played Engage and Destroy with the secondary from a different mission
(the one where you hold table quarters for 3 points each). I took my new Nemesis
Warbringer, a Warlord, a warhound, two Reavers, and three knight lancers. My
opponent took a Warlord, two Reavers, two Warhounds, three regular knights, and
two lancers. During the course of the game we did screw up the effects of the
quake cannon (as per the new errata), but otherwise this was a great game. I
learned that the new Nemesis Warbringer is extremely tough, as it took a ton of
punishment. Eventually it was killed, and I killed a Reaver, and the resulting
explosion killed another Warhound. As per normal all of the knights were killed
during the course of the game. I barely won, a rarity in that game for me, but
it was a solid whacky game. Here are some pictures:
Finally, we play-tested my board game twice. Only 150 something
more plays to go. More on that later.
This Thursday we are going to try out the remake of the Dune
board game and I am really excited so I will post some pictures of that later
this week.
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