Also had a warmachine tourney Sunday and the Spokane guys came down and kicked the Boyz asses. We will need revenge. I ran the thing so did not get to play them (though I did play and lost a lot). A turn out of 7 overall and a good time. Maybe I can talk someone else into running the next one.
Hopefully will play Dystopian finally on thursday. Also I am organizing a Warhammer map campaign here are the rules in the current form.
Warhammer Map Campaign DMB 2011 1.1
Requirements to Participate
1) Be a dues paying member!
2) Be on the forums
3) Be willing to come out once a week
4) Have 2,000 points of figures for warhammer fantasy
Since the great battle of several years ago the island of Albion had been covered in mist. It was on an autumn day in the Imperial year 2554 that the great comet fell onto the world. Each of the great powers were instantly notified as all the powerful wizards of the land howled in pain as the winds of magic swept through them. In an effort get to the comet, each nation sent scouts to the location described to them by their mages. In turn each scouting party returned with news of the great comet, which consisted only of meteoric iron and warpstone. Quickly each nation mustered their forces and went to the now revealed island of Albion to do battle once more. Alliances were swiftly formed, as each nation did not want to see this source of great power in the hands of their allies, but could not fathom the catastrophe it would be if it fell to their enemies.
The campaign starts as each force makes landfall on the island of Albion…..
Making Teams
Due to the number of players this campaign it will be team based. The first step in starting the campaign is assigning teams. A sign up sheet will be up in the club house with one side labeled forces of order and the other labeled forces of disorder.
Army | Which side they may fight on |
Beastmen | Disorder |
Bretonnians | Order |
Daemons | Disorder |
Dark Elves | Disorder |
Dwarfs | Either (note this represents dwarfs and chaos dwarfs) |
High Elves | Order |
Lizardmen | Either |
Ogre Kingdoms | Either |
Orcs and Goblins | Disorder |
Skaven | Disorder |
The Empire | Order |
Tomb Kings | Either |
Vampire Counts | Disorder |
Warriors of Chaos | Disorder |
Wood Elves | Order |
Players should sign up for the team they have to/wish to join. If there is an uneven number of players armies which may fight for either side will be rearranged until the two sides are even. If there is still an uneven number some players will get multiple armies in the campaign. A Team captain will be elected through votes, bribery, or a fist fight in the parking lot.
Setting up the Board
This campaign will utilize one copy of Mighty Empires therefore there will be 48 hexes. These hexes will be placed randomly in a shape which is 6 hexes tall and 8 hexes wide. On the bottom of the map a city will be placed on the tiles 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th from the left. On the top of the map city tokens will be placed on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th tiles from the right. In each of the four rows not containing cities (camps) place 2 castle tokens randomly. To do this roll an 8 sided die and number the tiles from left to right. Thus, if a 1 is rolled the castle goes in the hex furthest to the left. Having randomly placed the castle tokens, board set up is complete.
Definition of Pieces
City tokens- City tokens are used in this campaign to represent camped armies on the edge of the island. These act as spawn points and objectives during the campaign. If either side loses three of their four camps the game is over. A camp is removed from the game if at any point only an enemy army is present. If there is a battle going on at the camp players may not respawn their army at that camp.
Armies- These will be represented by a personalized flag (or figure which can be adhered to the board). This is a player’s force. Armies may move two spaces during an owning player’s team’s turn. A player will only ever have one army(unless someone drops out). A player’s army may not move through a hex with only an enemy army or multiple enemy armies in it. A player may, however, move through a hex where there are more friendly armies than enemy armies or an equal number of friendly armies and enemy armies. When two or more opposing armies end their turn in the same hex they fight. All armies are 2000pts and selected following all army organization rules found in the 8th edition rulebook.
Castle Tokens- Castle tokens represent ruins. If a battle is fought in a hex with a ruin the winning player gets a free magic item of 50 points or less (this is explained in the post battle sequence below).
Deploying Forces
Roll a die per team. The team with the higher score (reroll ties) may choose to deploy first and go first or deploy second and go second. The team which has been chosen to set up first, selects either the upper four camps or the lower four camps and places all of their player’s armies on the table ( in the manner described below). Then the second team places all of their armies on the map. If any player is not present the team captain places their army. If a player places an army in an incorrect hex the team captain must fix it.
During initial set up armies for each team must begin the game anywhere within 3 hexes of one of their team’s camp. Initial set up is the only time when armies are spawned anywhere but a camp. The team selected to go first then takes the first turn. The team has a week from the completion of the set up to move their pieces and fight their battles (explained below). Each army represents a 2,000pt list. This list can only change when you lose or through gaining honors and magic items.
Taking a Turn
A team’s turn will go from Thursday to Thursday. Each player on the team who’s turn it is may move their army two hexes as per the moving rules, considering both enemy armies and terrain. If an army stops in a space containing more enemy armies than allied armies the moving player must select one of those armies to fight. A game of Warhammer is played as per the eighth edition rules.
Fighting a Battle
The battle is fought using the pitched battle scenario with random terrain available from the club. The players may select another scenario as long as both players mutually agree on one. If the battle cannot be fought during the week (due to stupid real life stuff) then there or a couple options
1) Another player from the team may take the position of their teammate on the 2nd Thursday (so the player must have missed the first Thursday and Friday note this will be the same day the other team begins moving). Note if the replacing team member loses, their army does not lose its honors, the army of the player who was supposed to play the game originally does instead.
2) If neither player shows up the two armies just stay in place.
If one player fails to show up for a long time their team captain will ask them if they want to continue to play. If they do not, another player on the same team will field two army lists represented by two different army pieces.
Post Battle
The Losing army- The army that lost(even if it lost by a single victory point) immediately selects one of their team's camps and places their army in that hex. This army may move normally on the next turn. This player can then completely rebuild their army list. This player loses all of their accumulated honors and magic items.
The Winning army- The army that won gains an honor. To determine which honor they gain roll on the chart below. If the battle was fought at a ruin (represented by the castles) the winning player also selects magic item up to 50pts in value. This magic item may take a character or unit above the point value of magic items it/they are allowed to have, though all other restrictions apply. The only other exception is that ANY unit with a standard bearer may take a magic banner even if they are not typically allowed. The winning player also, of course, gets to maintain their position and must continue with the same army list.
Honors (roll a d6) Each Character/Unit may only have one honor each
1-3 Character advancement-pick a character and roll a further d6
1-+1 Ld (if 10 gain immunity to psychology)
2-+1 WS or +1 Bs
3-+1 S
4- +1 T
5- +1 I
6- +1 W
4-5 Unit advancement- pick a infantry unit
1-2 +1 Ld (if 10 gain immunity to psychology)
3-4 -+1 WS or +1 Bs
5-6 +1S or +1 T
6 Pick a Wizard to gain a level or get a free 1st level wizard (this can allow a wizard to gain level 5!)
Open ground and rivers- are just aesthetic and may be moved through at a cost of 1
Mountains- cost 2 movement hexes to move through.
Special Characters
Take as many special characters as can legally be taken, however, if during any battle they lose all of their wounds or do not end the game on the table, they are dead. They can never be taken again by that player. If you win a game in which one of your special characters die, you may spend those points on something else, as long as your army still meets the army building requirements.
I didn’t get to play this round
If a player’s army is not in contact with any enemy army. The game-less player may play a 2,000 point game with anyone (this person does not even have to be in the campaign) If the player wins they get a honor, if they lose there is not effect. If the player who randomly plays the game-less player loses there is no effect on their army. It should be noted, that only one game in which a player can gain an honor may be played a week, and this option can only be taken if a player’s army is not touching another army on the map, or if the player they are supposed to play is does not show up. In the event that the game-less player plays a random game and gains a honor, but then their true opponent (the person their army is sitting next to on the map) shows up later the random game, and their earned honor is taken away.
Justin Williams
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