Fer and I played a quick 500 point game of Uncharted after the big move on sunday no pics but here are the highlights. Fer and I both forgot that the elves had a magic card which upon the destruction of their ship it explodes as if you had a rolled a 1 and a 1 on the critical chart. For those of you who don't know this does a 8" radius explosion which does double the hull points in dice of damage. When Fer used it this resulted in 10 dice which blew up all 8 of my frigates 240 of my 500 points. Then another explosion occurred as a result of the crit and more Dragon lords sunk. We called when I only had my damaged flagship left (as the Dragon lord ship is really sturdy but, was at the time outgunned quite badly).
Elves have a card that does big explosions. If an elf player moves all their ships away from an injured one and starts asking about the rules for the double 1's on the crit table, then asks if they are allowed to shoot their own ships..... don't shoot the damaged ship until you are more than 8" away.
Elven heavy cruisers are quite good.
If one player cheats and does not follow the army building rules they tend to win so always follow the army building rules (note i cheated in the previous game and fer cheated in this one in both cases we knew we were doing it but both wanted to try out all of our new models).
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